Saro - "TEST"

Saro - "TEST"

One of the (few) benefits of being out of touch with the music scene for a little while is the joy at "discovering" a new artist who has actually been around already for a few months (which feels like an eternity as far as the internet is concerned). Such is the case with Saro. I was hooked on their latest track "Test" with its ethereal/alternative mix, so I immediately wanted more, went to Google to see what I could dig up, and found that there is at least one more song of theirs to keep me busy until whenever they come out with even more music for me to fawn over and, based on the two songs I've heard so far, there is plenty to love.

SOHN - "Conrad"

SOHN - "Conrad"

Fortunes. - "501's"

Fortunes. - "501's"